Wednesday, August 26, 2009

at school, but not in school

Ah, the joys of being a young staff member at a university: everyone thinks you're either a student or a prodigy-type professor. So I can slum in the library with the undergrads, but I can also eat in the faculty/staff only restaurant. On my way to get my new ID, I was accosted by Comcast workers, offering me a giant Pixy Stick to showcase their "it's kind of a big deal" cable/internet promotion for students. This might have been awesome back when Anchorman came out, but...oh, who am I to turn down free candy. I might have to buy a bottle of soda just to relive the middle school field day memories of pixy stick-induced explosions. Take that, adult responsibility.

Coming soon: draft post potpourri, where I summon up snippets of all the great blog posts I started bu failed to finish in the first year of writing this. Because apparently Blogger saves them for you.

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