Monday, October 26, 2009


The New York Times did a piece on 36 Hours in Richmond and I'm surprised at how many of the places I haven't visited. Times change.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Draft Post Potpourri

As promised:

1/7/09: Someone in the office made the mistake of putting fun-size chocolate bars into the office candy jar. I have eaten almost all of the Butterfingers, half of the Crunch bars, and accidentally ingested a Baby Ruth in my two days back here.

3/7/09: West Philadelphia, born and raised...

6/17/09: Many of my fellow AmeriCorps members are skipping town shortly after our contract ends in late July (and around when their leases run out). One even mentioned having a "Philadelphia Bucket List".

10/05/09: Plan C did not pass, so the continued use of libraries, parks and weekly trash pickup shall continue.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

weird Philly memories and moments that make me weepy

Yeah I know, nobody expected that subject line to appear. But on my drive to work today, a radio station played Harry Kalas's announcing of the final outs of last year's winning game and I teared up a little. You can watch it here and here, but I don't know if you'll get the same warm fuzzy feeling.

Secret confession: Whenever I need a mental pick-me-up, I think of the excitement at the election party and then later at our house last year on Election Night. It always makes me smile. At the former, people cheered when a state went to Obama and booed when one went to McCain. It was sponsored by Philadelphia Weekly, and only one district in this city went to McCain, so there you go. But later in the confines of my little rowhouse, Obama won for certain. And when both Virginia and North Carolina turned blue, I cried. BLUE, you guys. Blue. We didn't even go blue for Clinton. My voter registration card is still for VA, and this confirmed that I don't need to change it. For now.

I could also list all of the Philly memories that make me angry (getting sexually harassed on the bus), upset (people hating on my out-of-state car), or generically happy (getting into clubs without paying cover, drunk taxi rides, cookouts at the main AmeriCorps house, meeting awesome new people), but I thought I would start with the sappy.