CPR and First Aid training at the Red Cross. I am certified in both now. This is some of us, doing chest compressions. The rescue breaths were more comical.
Learning more about spectrum disorders (especially autism) as well as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and more. Plus, teratogens during pregnancy and their effect on babies.
Getting caught in the rain today with a newly purchased, non-waterproof reusable grocery bag, stuffed to the brim with food. I think my sugar is a little clumpy.
Getting kasha knish at a Jewish bakery with my boss (buckwheat, more delicious than the potato knish pictured) after a tough day of home visits (she also got me a cupcake).
(from xkcd.com), I will remind myself in the future to cram future international package contents into tiny boxes, so as not to incite the tall box fury of the USPS. Also, Japanese addresses are written differently than here.
Phone calls. Lots and lots of phone calls. Thanks everybody!
<3 (yes, my phone looks like that. bright but primitive, I know).
Damn, I was hoping to find out why I have to hold the rails on the bus! :D
oh, right. it's because otherwise, you're liable to lose your balance and fall on top of unsuspecting middle school boys. hopefully that was not the last time a woman will stumble into his lap, though I hope she's closer to his size next time.
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